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Report Student Mistreatment, Learning Environment and/or Other Concerns
Anonymous Reporting: Students, faculty, fellows, residents, and staff may report an incident using this form without disclosing identifying information (i.e., name, email and phone number fields are optional). Reports submitted in an anonymous manner may limit the ability of the College to investigate and address the incident. However, all reports will be reviewed and efforts will be made to address the incident. In addition, anonymous reports can help us identify any patterns of mistreatment that may be occurring in a particular department, unit or site, allowing us to address the behaviors and increase prevention efforts.

Reporting Party Contact Information

If you wish to submit a report anonymously, you should not include any identifying information with your submission, such as adding your name, phone number, and/or email address or using your name in the description of the incident(s). If you provide identifying information when submitting this report, a designated person from the Office of Student Affairs will follow up with you to discuss your report.

Individual(s) Involved in the Incident

Information About The Incident(s)

Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the incident/concern using specific, concise, and objective language (Who, what, where, when, why, and how).
If you would prefer not to complete this form or you have any questions related to the form or the process, we encourage you to contact the MUSC College of Medicine Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Professionalism at (843) 792-2081 or, regarding options for next steps.
Title IX Disclaimer: 
If there are any reported concerns involving sex or gender harassment or discrimination, then the concern will be forwarded to and adjudicated by the MUSC Title IX office as per University policy.